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Best Toys to Grow With Your Child!

Play is the work of childhood and toys are the tools for play. Therefore, when the holiday season comes along its important to find toys that can grow with your child. This is where open-ended toys come into play!

“Toys can be lumped into two categories: ‘one and done toys’ and ‘open-ended toys’. One and Done Toys do the playing for kids. They do the imagining. They do the talking. A toy that needs 57 batteries to sing the ABCs to your 1 year old is a toy you want to run away from. Because those toys are there to entertain your child - instead of your child entertaining themselves. Open-ended toys teach kids. They teach them to imagine. To create. To problem solve. To practice life skills and social skills. Our kids learn best through play – we need them playing with the “right” equipment.”

Busy Toddler compiled a great list of 100+ open-ended toys that grow with kids! Check their site and Instagram for tons of other fun ideas, too! Visit their website here!