Speech Language Pathology Center

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Re-opening and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19

Now that the state of Massachusetts has entered Phase 3 of their re-opening plan, the SLP Center will be resuming in-office services. In order to keep your family safe, we are implementing a number of strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The health and safety of everyone is our priority.

The new SLP Center strategies include: reduced on-site staff during any given shift, staff health screenings, use of protective equipment (masks, face shields, plexiglass barriers), maintenance of physical distancing whenever possible, and stringent cleaning/disinfecting policies.

We ask that our families implement the following strategies before visiting our clinic: calling upon arrival to complete a patient health screening, thorough hand washing, and use of protective equipment (face masks for individuals over the age of 3).

It is of the utmost importance that you stay home if you or anyone in your household feels sick. We are following MA.gov and CDC guidelines. If you would like more details about our COVID-19 policies, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at 781-792-2700. As always, we look forward to continuing our commitment to improving the lives of our patient’s through communication.