Expert Care for Every Step of Development
The Speech Language Pathology Center, seen on CBS 60-Minutes, is committed to providing evidence-based intervention for speech and occupational therapy. Our professionals embrace neurodiversity while working closely with families to help you achieve your communication, sensory, motor and feeding goals.
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Discuss your concerns with a specialist.
Pediatric Speech Therapy
Language Therapy
Expressive & Receptive language delays
Gestalt Language Processing including AAC
Auditory processing disorder - AcousticPioneer®
Executive function skills
Dyslexia & Reading - Wilson Reading System®
Pragmatic and social skills
Speech and Myofunctional Therapy
Articulation delays & lisps
Phonological processing delays
Childhood Apraxia of speech
Pre/post tongue tie release therapy
Stuttering, fluency and voice therapy
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Sensory Integration to enhance speech production.
Interventions and Assessment:
Visual Motor Skills
Gross Motor and Bilateral Integration
Fine Motor Coordination
Adult Speech Therapy
Residual speech sound errors, lisp remediation including tongue thrust collaboration with dentist
Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia treatment (i.e. Constant Therapy®)
Cognitive therapy, including executive function disorder and post-concussion/TBI
Stuttering, fluency and voice therapy
Comprehensive Assessment
Our speech pathologists and occupational therapists will conduct an extensive neurodiverse assessment of speech, language, feeding, sensory and motor skills.
Evaluations include a thorough record review, clinical observations, and use of norm-referenced standardized tools along with neurodiversity methods. Upon completion of testing, a comprehensive written report and plan of care will be provided.
Collaboration between your team of providers including schools, early intervention, dentists, orthodontists, physicians, applied behavioral therapy, audiologists, feeding teams, and mental health providers.
Family time to discuss progress and carryover activities throughout the plan of care.
Feeding Therapy
"Picky vs Problem"
Feeding therapy utilizing the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach® . A family-centered program for treating problem feeders. It integrates postural, sensory, motor, behavioral, medical and nutritional factors to comprehensively evaluate and treat children with feeding and growth problems.
Total Communication Approach
Nationally recognized by CBS 60 Minutes, our center specializes in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for individuals with diverse communication needs. We empower children and adults facing challenges such as autism, stroke, and significant communication disorders through innovative therapy and personalized care. Our experienced team is dedicated to enhancing communication skills, fostering independence, and improving the overall quality of life for our patients. Join us in our mission to break down barriers and build connections through effective communication strategies.
Get Directions - 99 Longwater Circle Norwell, MA. 02061. ADA accessible with FREE parking.
Non-Discrimination Notice
Speech Language Pathology Center complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Speech Language Pathology Center does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the clinic at 781-792-2700. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at