Evidence-Based Practices

Speech Language Pathology Center utilizes a variety of evidence-based programs and tools for both speech and feeding therapy.  Please click below to learn more about some of the resources we have received advanced training and/or utilize within therapy sessions.

Speech & Oral Motor Placement Tools

Speech Buddies Placement Tools®

One of many tools utilized at SLP Center. Your clinician will choose the right tools for your child.  At home you may practice learned strategies from speech therapy to see results.  Speech Buddies also offers free online games that make practicing fun.

speech therapy

Oral Motor & Tethered Oral Tissue Treatment

TalkTools® Oral-Placement Therapy (OPT). SLP Center uses OPT therapy techniques to add a tactile component to feeding and speech therapy, enabling clients to “feel” the movements necessary for the development of speech clarity.

TalkTools® advanced training in Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT) includes assessment, recommended referrals and pre and post surgical therapy. Most commonly referred to as “tongue tie” or “lip tie” as it relates to speech sound production and feeding.

speech therapy

Kaufman Apraxia Treatment®

The program is a proven method for teaching young children how to produce and combine the oral motor movements necessary to speak functionally, and intelligibly.  Learn more about Childhood Apraxia of Speech.

Dyslexia and Reading Programs


Wilson Reading System®

SLP Center utilizes the WRS, designed for intervention of word-level deficits for individuals who are not making sufficient progress through current intervention or teaching strategies who require a more intensive structured literacy instruction due to a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia.

Auditory Processing Disorder


SLP Center has advanced training in Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) utilizing AcousticPioneer®. The program measures auditory processing skills which are compared to same aged peers along with providing therapy & compensatory strategies. We use deficit-specific therapies using fun apps while providing at home carryover.


SLP Center utilizes the system for remediation of speech, voice, fluency, and auditory processing including reading, memory, and attention. Through the use of Forbrain’s dynamic filter, your sensory system is trained to more efficiently integrate sounds with other sensory input resulting in a number of improvements.  

Occupation Therapy: Sensory Integration

Ayres Sensory Integration®

Ayres Sensory Integration® intervention is provided within the context of professional practice. It is designed to improve sensory perceptual abilities, self-regulation, motor skills, and praxis. In doing so, it supports the client’s ability to show improved behavior, learning, and social participation. Classic intervention is provided in a specialized therapy room with sensory equipment that provides tactile, visual, proprioceptive and vestibular opportunities in a structured manner in collaboration with the primary caregivers. 

Stroke and Aphasia Home Program

constant therapy aphasia stroke app for therapy

Constant Therapy™

SLP Center ingrates Constant Therapy into our therapy sessions. A dynamic science-based digital program that is a highly personalized, continuous therapy tools for patients with traumatic brain injury, stroke, aphasia, and learning disabilities.

Printable Resource Guides:

In each guide you'll find an overview of the disorder, how it is evaluated, and what we can do as speech pathologists to treat the disorder!  Check back as we continue to upload more!  Click on any of the titles below to be linked to a PDF.

Insurance FAQ

If your insurance plan is not listed please contact us directly as some providers allow for out-of-network coverage or for private pay rates.

Questions to ask your insurance company regarding speech therapy:

  1. Do I have coverage for speech therapy or occupational therapy?

  2. Is my plan IN-Network with Speech Language Pathology Center, NPI 1548570153

  3. How many visits for speech therapy or occupational therapy do I have per year? Is it a calendar year? 

  4. Do I have to meet a deductible? If so, how much is the deductible and what is the cost of services for my provider? How much of the deductible have I already met?

  5. Am I responsible for a co-pay (flat fee per session) or co-insurance (percentage of the negotiated rate)?