Comedy for Kids with Autism at ImprovBoston!

ImprovBoston is hosting a daytime comedy event for kids with autism and their families. This event is designed to provide a fun environment for kids "without fear of loud noises, sudden light changes, or intimidating moments onstage."

Event info: "Improv for Everyone" Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 10:00AM at ImprovBoston in Cambridge, MA. See the link below for tickets!

Improv for Autism

"A downloadable guide will preview the structure of the show, the audience experience start to finish, the layout of the venue and the available quiet room, the sensory-friendly production adjustments, and where they can sit if they’d like to participate. The cast will also provide visual prompts to take suggestions for kids who communicate visually rather than verbally."

Order your tickets here!

Are your child’s picky eating habits becoming a problem?

If you would identify your child as having “picky” eating habits, check out ASHA’s blog below. Many children experience periods of picky eating as they grow; however, it’s important to realize that what appears to be a phase could actually be an early stage of a feeding disorder. Early identification and intervention is key to overcoming feeding difficulties in children.

Select this link to visit American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA) or call now to speak with one of the therapists at Speech Language Pathology Center.

Select this link to visit American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA) or call now to speak with one of the therapists at Speech Language Pathology Center.

Autism Eats promotes "autism-friendly" family dining!

Harbor Fire Bar & Grill - Marshfield, MA

January 24, 2017 6:00-8:00 PM

Visit "Autism Eats" by selecting the picture above for tickets and information.

Visit "Autism Eats" by selecting the picture above for tickets and information.

Excerpt from Autism Eats website: “For those of us who have a child with autism dining out can be anxiety provoking and stressful. As parents, we may feel that "all eyes are on us" when our kids exhibit certain behaviors, have outbursts or refuse to sit still. Other diners may be disturbed and the well intentioned wait staff doesn't really know the best way to help out. Many of us decide it is just not worth the effort and that is unfortunate. We created Autism Eats to bring the fun back to eating out. Our dinner parties are held in private rooms of restaurants or function facilities. Food is served buffet or family style so there is no waiting. Music and lighting are adjusted to accommodate those with sensory sensitivity.”


5K Benefit for Batten Disease Research - October 1, 2016

Please join the Speech Language Pathology Team to help our good friend Nick!  Meet at Duxbury High School 10:00AM.

"Batten disease is a rare, fatal, neurodegenerative disease that takes away childhood and then the child. But there is hope! I will participate in the Cure in a Nick of Time Run to raise awareness and funds for a life-saving treatment for Nick Curran and hundreds of children. My fundraising efforts will benefit Beyond Batten Disease Foundation and their mission to create a world where Batten disease no longer exists. Please make a donation and be part of the cure. Thank you for your support!"  (click below for link)

Summer Reading!

We love predictable books to enhance expressive language skills!  Tablets and iPads can also provide visual support for reading.  Take a picture walk this summer:)

Virtual Speech App Sale!

We thought you might want to know that Social Norms app is 50% off. You can purchase this app for only $4.99.

The Social Norms for Autism app was created by a certified speech and language pathologist for children with autism spectrum disorder. This app helps children learn social rules and behaviors through stories. The Social Norms app is ideal for parents, educators, and speech language pathologists as it allows full customization. The users have the ability to add their own photos, text, and audio recordings to create individualized stories that teach specific skills that the child with autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty learning or understanding.


Proloquo2Go App Sale!!

Proloquo2Go will be 50% off soon!

Posted Thursday 24 Sep 2015

We are excited to announce Proloquo2Go 4.1 will be released very soon. This major update includes support for Spanish!

You will be able to configure your vocabulary in English, Spanish or both with the ability to switch instantly between languages at any time, even mix languages mid-sentence. Choose between two regional variants, Castilian and North American Spanish with a range of matching voices that includes 2 children voices. Proloquo2Go will be a completely bilingual AAC system with its new Spanish Crescendo™ vocabulary.

For existing users all of this is included for free, no in-app purchase, no new app to purchase.

To celebrate, Proloquo2Go 4.1 will be sold at a 50% discount for the first 48 hours after release.

Subscribe to the AssistiveWare letter to be notified when Proloquo2Go 4.1 is released so you can take advantage of the 50% introductory discount. Don’t speak Spanish? No problem, the discount is for everyone.

Note that during the discount period no extra discount is available through Apple’s educational Volume Purchase Program.

App Review: rubycube

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Looking for a fun new app to try out for story comprehension and retell?  Check out rubycube!  The app supports multiple different stories (give “Trudy Goes to the Beach” a look – such a great summer story to remind you of what sun looks like in the middle of winter!). 

Once you enter the story, there are several great features to support comprehension and retell.  The story includes a minimally animated image (perfect for stimulating interest, but not too distracting), and specific phrases are highlighted in blue – when you click on these, the user gets to select the semantically correct phrase from 4-5 options.

You can set the app to read aloud for you, or you can have the student record and then listen to themselves reading or retelling the story.  Stories also are broken up into chapters, and the app’s navigation makes it easy to move between chapters and stories.

Rubycube is a great app to check out this winter – or any season!  See rubycube’s short tutorial video here for a preview:

Games to Make Artic Therapy Fun!

Articulation (speech) therapy can get repetitive at times, especially if you're working with a child who has a lot of sounds to work on at the word level.  Rather than just repeating one sound after another, we've got a couple of tricks up our sleeves that we like to use to help a little kiddo forget they're actually doing speech therapy!

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  • Cut out pictures with the child’s target sound and take turns hiding a sticker under a card – the child tells you cards to flip over (thus practicing their speech sound) to see if the sticker is underneath!   You can also do this for auditory discrimination tasks with pictures of minimal pairs and YOU tell the child where to look.
  • Stack paper cups (child gets one cup for every target word he or she says)
  • Drop coins or tokens into a jar; when it's filled the child gets to play a game!
  • Line up tokens or make stars on a page – once the child gets to a certain number, they’re done and get a break or to play a game! For younger kids, it can be helpful to draw a box for each trial, so that way they can visually see how many trials they have left
  • Make a copy of a sheet of pictures of target words and then play “Go Fish” looking for pairs – each time the child asks for a specific card, they’re practicing their target sound!
  • Any toy or game that involves multiple repetitions of an action… The child can earn a turn or piece of the game with every trial, or every X number of trials if the game has fewer turns/pieces or if the child is older)… Here are a few examples, but just about any game can be turned into artic practice!
    • Pop Up Pirate (child gets a sword for each trial)
    • Don’t Break the Ice (child gets an ice cube for each trial, when the ice is built, they get to play the game!)
    • Cootie Catcher (child gets a piece of their bug with each trial)
    • Peg Builders (child gets another peg with each trial)
    • Connect 4 (child gets a turn with each trial)
    • Mouse Trap (child earns pieces of game with each trial)
    • Cariboo (child gets a turn with each trial)

Have a wonderfully speechie day! :)