We love Virtual Speech Center for their fun and functional apps! They are currently having a sale on their apps, so you can buy them with a 40% discount. The sale ends on 11/29, so don't miss out!
Head over to the Virtual Speech Center website to see which apps are on sale!
Read about some of our favorite Virtual Speech Center apps below:
Sequencing Post Office
Image via virtualspeechcenter.com
A great way to practice sequencing skills for real life events, including making a sandwich, brushing teeth, and taking out the trash. Perfect for children ages 3 and up who struggle with sequencing events in their daily life, telling stories, or understanding cause and effect relationships.
Image via virtualspeechcenter.com
Auditory Workout
For children with receptive language delays and disorders, try out Auditory Workout! This app allows you to choose instructions of varying levels of difficulty, including embedded concepts (e.g., size, spatial concepts, quantitative concepts, color). Auditory Workout also allows the addition of background noise to simulate real-life situations.
Real Vocabulary
Image via virtualspeechcenter.com
Real Vocabulary helps children in elementary school target expressive and receptive vocabulary through antonyms, synonyms, definitions, idioms, and multiple meanings. Each target vocabulary word is accompanied by a color photograph and audio cues, and is based on grade-appropriate core curriculum vocabulary.
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