Home Enrichment, Activity 2: A-Z Animal Scavenger Hunt!


While we may not be able to run to the farm or zoo during this time, pull out those old mini animals and have a little scavenger hunt! Follow the link to find a list of animals you can look for on your scavenger hunt. This link includes coloring sheets with the animals organized alphabetically. This is a great speech and language activity for vocabulary building, answering ‘wh’ questions, and using prepositional phrases! Find it here!

Speech and Language Connections:

Articulation: Keep an ear open for any words containing the speech sound your child is currently working on in therapy. Some examples include: camel, cow, crocodile for targeting “k”. Animal names are a great way to address speech pacing for multi-syllable words, like elephant, flamingo, and hippopotamus.

Vocabulary: Label all the animals on the sheet and then walk around the house and see if your child can identify the animals!

Wh- Questions: You can ask all sorts of questions about the animals! Who do you see? Where is the elephant? What color is the tiger? What is the zebra doing?

Prepositional Phrases: Ask and answer questions about the animal locations. For example, “Look I see the lion! Where is he? Is he under the couch or on the counter?”