SLP Center Update on COVID-19

At Speech Language Pathology Center, we have always prided ourselves on promoting overall health in a clean, safe and meticulous clinical office.  

With the concerns around COVID-19 and the new Coronavirus, we want to make sure that you are informed of the precautions that we are taking to minimize any risk to our patients and team.  In addition to our standard procedures of cleaning and sanitizing following CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines, we are taking further steps to ensure that everyone's health is our top priority.

Our teams work diligently on sanitation and cleanliness in all patient areas and we have cleaning teams in our offices after hours to clean and disinfect the entire office.  

We have new protocols in place that are in line with CDC guidelines specifically for Coronavirus (please do not be offended if we do not shake your hand).  We have hand sanitizer available in our reception area.

We also ask that patients with any respiratory symptoms call our office to reschedule for when you are healthier.  

There are also ways that you can be proactive and helpful when you are not in the office:

  • Frequently wash your hands for 20 seconds or more with soapy water

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you are unable to wash your hands.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Get plenty sleep and manage stress.

  • Eat well and stay as physically active as possible to ensure a healthy immune system.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

  • Avoid contact with people who are sick and things they may have touched.

As we work together to maintain a healthy environment, we will continue to communicate as necessary.

Warm regards,

The Team at Speech Language Pathology Center