Home Enrichment, Activity 4: Creative Snacking!


Who says snacks can’t be healthy AND fun? Here are some clever ways to make snack time a hands-on learning activity that is fun for the whole family! Click here for some inspiration, or get creative with what you have on hand! Grab some cut-up fruits, veggies, crackers, nuts, sliced cheese, and spreads (like nut butters, hummus, guacamole) – the options are endless! There are also lots of opportunities to target vocabulary, articulation, following directions, and more!


Speech and Language Connections

Expressive language – this is a great time to learn about and describe different food names, colors, and shapes! You might be using “round, green grapes.” Or, maybe you’re cutting strawberries into “little, red triangles.” Take turns talking about what you’re making! You can play “I spy!” to take turns describing and guessing the food items.

Articulation – many of your ingredients might consist of tricky, multisyllabic words (think: strawberry, banana, blueberry, peanut butter). Practice saying these words, clapping out the syllables (i.e., “ba-na-na!”) as you say them together if needed! 

Following directions – read the directions for your snack of choice one step at a time. Have your child repeat your direction, and/or complete the step just as you said it! Alternatively, take turns describing how to create your unique snack (for example, “Put two cucumbers in the middle of your plate!”).

Sequencing – This is also a great time to practice using sequence words (i.e., First, second, next, then, last, etc.) in your directions so you know that each step is in the right order!