Calling all Middle Schoolers! Home Enrichment, Activity 5


Need a break from doing homework, don’t have any homework at all, or want to keep your middle schooler away from electronics? Try building an architectural school model! This activity will keep you both occupied and entertained! Additionally, it’s a great way to incorporate language skills. Download the free activity here!

Speech and Language Connections

Executive Functions: Plan and organize your project including all the materials needed and outline the steps to complete it! If you plan to work over multiple days, use a calendar to organize what steps you will complete on what days!

Receptive Language: Follow complex directions including transition words like first/then/last. Use the organizer you created and check off each direction as you follow them!

Expressive Language: Work on comparing/contrasting the rooms, describing how it turned out, or discussing the differences and similarities between the materials being used. Once you are done, you can verbally sequencing the steps you took to recreate your structure!